Key sector expertise
IT / Telco

IT / Telco
In line with world trends, explosive digital development is also characteristic of Hungary, impacting all areas of the economy and society. The proliferation of the Internet, computers and smart devices is making online communication, shopping and administration increasingly common; moreover, this trend has been amplified significantly by the pandemic.

Innovation, i.e. research and development, is traditionally a successful and recognised field in Hungary. Nothing supports this more than the fact that the country ranks within the top 13 countries in the world, when comparing the number of Nobel Laureates with the proportion of the population.

When introducing the relationship between Hungary and biotechnology, what other should we start with than the interesting fact that the word itself, “biotechnology”, was created by a Hungarian researcher, Károly Ereky, who also wrote the first publication on the topic. Thus, Ereky is considered the father of biotechnology by experts in the field worldwide.

The Hungarian health system is based on a health insurance fund, which provides health coverage for residents; moreover, there are also private healthcare institutes offering easily accessible, high quality paying services.
Automotive industry

Automotive industry
Did you know that the word coach comes from the Hungarian word kocsi, meaning from Kocs, which was first used as the word for carriage and then car in Hungarian? The reason is simple: four-wheeled, covered carriages were first made in this Hungarian village…

Higher education in Hungary has traditionally had a good reputation, with international students from around the globe choosing one of the country’s outstanding universities for their studies. Moreover, it is not only institutions in Budapest that are sought-after places, but also universities and colleges for advanced studies in other big cities across the country.